Application Process

"Do your little bit of good where you are, it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." ~Desmond Tutu

Please note that Operation Healing Hands cannot handle any chronic or terminal conditions. 

Our focus is on patients who need one or two surgeries to get back to their everyday lives but have been on state hospital waiting lists for years. 

Please note that we will no longer accept private applications. 

All patients need to be referred to OHH by a doctor, a hospital, or another charity organisation/ NGO. In this referral letter, your medical condition should be explained in detail so that we can assess the information to make sure that you are indeed a good candidate for OHH. 

These referrals can be sent to

No private emails, social media messages or phone calls will be considered if not backed up by a referral from a doctor, hospital, or other charity organisation.

All Rights Reserved. Operation Healing Hands. 2016-2024